Hi dear community,
I am happy to close the year knowing that we will see each others soon again.
It has been a great pleasure practice with you all. Thank you to keep our practice alive and awake.
I want to share with you the timings for 2017.
15th January CLASSES STARTS !!!
As usual we will meet every sunday at room B, in the Skarpnäcks Kulturhuset at 18 until 19.15.
We will add a Community Sunday every month, that will end at 19.30 instead.
That will be a space to practice yoga, longer meditation and sharing time after every session.
Community Sundays will be:
29th of January
19th of February
19th of March
23th of April
21th of May
As some of you know the Kulturhuset recognised our work as a community service therefore we don´t pay the rent of the space anymore.
We are very grateful for that and for you all that made it happen.
Donations goes to the teacher and there is no minimum, you give what you can and feels right to you.
The Community Sunday`s donations will go directly to charity for different organizations.
More on that later.
There will be NO CLASS on those dates (because of holiday or training) :
26th february
9th of april
16th of april
7th of may
28th of may
I wish you all a smooth transition into the new year.
Happy Winter Solstice !