Thursday, 19 November 2020

 Hi dear friends and yogis .

I am sadly writing to say that next sunday 22nd will be the last class for the year

The Kulturhuset is closing all the activities now with the new restrictions, and so we also feel is important to have a common strategy in this new time where we face the pandemic´s second wave. 

We will start again the classes in the beginning of February. 

In the meanwhile,  stay safe, take care of your community, be present with what arises and enjoy nature. 

If you need some sort of guidance to keep up with the practice, do not hesitate to reach out. 

See you on Sunday! 

Here a quote by Pema Chödrön, from her book Living Beautifully: with Uncertainty and Change :

“It’s not impermanence per se, or even knowing we’re going to die, that is the cause of our suffering, the Buddha taught. Rather, it’s our resistance to the fundamental uncertainty of our situation. Our discomfort arises from all of our efforts to put ground under our feet, to realize our dream of constant okayness. When we resist change, it’s called suffering. But when we can completely let go and not struggle against it, when we can embrace the groundlessness of our situation and relax into its dynamic quality, that’s called enlightenment, or awakening to our true nature, to our fundamental goodness. Another word for that is freedom—freedom from struggling against the fundamental ambiguity of being human.”



Sunday, 8 November 2020

Today 8th of November, the class is cancelled !

Hi everyone, 

Giulia here, feeling sick and having some fever, in these days better not to push it, 

for ourselves and our collective. 

Hope you continue to enjoy this beautiful autumn day.

See you in two weeks.



Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Get back to classes!

 Hi dear OrtensYoga friends!

Autumn signs are all around. 

Hopefully you also feel recharged from the sun and the green nature that the summer gifted us with. 

We are inviting you to get back to our community class, donation based. 

Our intention is to practice together with you for a more conscious collective, in order to inspire the change that we wish to see in society.
Always starting from our own breath.

Next dates are:

September the 20th 

October the 4th and the 18th

November the 8th and the 22nd

December the 6th and the 20th

Same time 18-19.15 and same place Sal B, Skarpnäcks kulturhuset.

Covid-19´s measures:

Please stay home if you are sick,

bring your own yoga mats and blanket if you have,

disinfect your hands with the gel that we will provide right at the entrance of the room, 

spray for cleaning the mat will also be around after the use of it,

when taking place be aware of leaving enough distance to respect the people around you.

(Check updates in this web page to see if we have also being sick and so canceled the class)

Warm Welcome,

Giulia & Ida

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Last class next sunday 24th of may!

Hi everyone,
we will have the last class of the season , next Sunday.

Then, it will be summer break, until the next class on September the 6th .

More info will come about the autumn´s dates. 

See you soon!


Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Hi dear practitioners and friends,

with the times that we are facing we decided to not have classes for march and april

Not to feed the seed of fear but to collectively acknowledge that feeling, and support each other, and care for each other by being safe, by taking care of ourselves and by practicing solidarity. 
The unknown, the change, could be frightening at the beginning. 
But by embracing the fact that both inside and in the collective there is fear, we can actively decide to water the seeds of hope, patience and compassion as an antidote. 
Take this time now to slow down, to stop, to not consume. 
There is suddenly a window of time open to re-think the way we live,  re-program our minds, re-set our focus, re-generate communities, re-discuss our priorities, re-listen to the need of the earth, re-design rituals,re-create noble silence and honest speech, re-face our restlessness and boredom, re-write the narrative we have around life and death, re-nourish what we have let dry, re-claim the present moment as a state of mind, re-establish love as a basic principle to start whatever we do.  

Perhaps you could take this opportunity to sit more often, move your body how you feel is right and empowering, maybe it looks like a sun salutation maybe not at all. Breath deeply, slowly and consciously. Feel the impermanence of the breath, of your emotions, of the situation. 

Take time to be in nature, with nature, to contemplate nature or just to be nature
She gives us back a great perspective. Birds singing, branches sprouting, and her vastness, her aliveness. Her strength. 
In the same moment we can wake up to the inter-being, the way we inter-are.

Take time to acknowledge all we already have, like our breath, our eyes, our ears and much more, we are alive

We wish you all a time of great insight. 

With resilience and warmth,


We are mainly taking care of our families but if you wish to talk please write to us. 


Thursday, 9 January 2020

New Year, New classes!

Hi dear Ortensyoga friends!
We hope you had a smooth transition into this brand new year.  
As the very beginning of the inhalation we can start anew, setting the intention of being present all the way until the very end of the exhalation, again and again. 

Whatever your proposal for the new year are, we are happy to continue to offer you yoga classes twice a month (for now, changes may occur, in that case we will let you know) . 

The intention behind is always the same, the joy and uniqueness of practice and the power of community. 

Thank you for 6 beautiful years of support, trust and friendship.

Dates for 2020:

January - 19th 
February - 9th and 23rd
March - 8th and 22nd
April- 5th and 19th
May- 10th and 24th

That is our yoga practice looks like these days.. ;-)

Honestly and warmly,
Giulia and Ida