Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Get back to classes!

 Hi dear OrtensYoga friends!

Autumn signs are all around. 

Hopefully you also feel recharged from the sun and the green nature that the summer gifted us with. 

We are inviting you to get back to our community class, donation based. 

Our intention is to practice together with you for a more conscious collective, in order to inspire the change that we wish to see in society.
Always starting from our own breath.

Next dates are:

September the 20th 

October the 4th and the 18th

November the 8th and the 22nd

December the 6th and the 20th

Same time 18-19.15 and same place Sal B, Skarpnäcks kulturhuset.

Covid-19´s measures:

Please stay home if you are sick,

bring your own yoga mats and blanket if you have,

disinfect your hands with the gel that we will provide right at the entrance of the room, 

spray for cleaning the mat will also be around after the use of it,

when taking place be aware of leaving enough distance to respect the people around you.

(Check updates in this web page to see if we have also being sick and so canceled the class)

Warm Welcome,

Giulia & Ida