Thursday, 4 March 2021

New classes and new routines.

 Hi dear friends,

I am happy to let you know that we are starting with new classes to bloom together into spring time. 

Dates are:
7th and 21st of March 
11th and 18th of April
2nd, 16th and 30th of May

Time is 18.15 to 19.30.

Due to current restrictions we can be a maximum of 8 persons in the room. 
  • To make sure you get a spot on time you must book via our email at least two hours before. If you don´t get a response, do not worry, that means there is space for you! If you get a response, instead, might be that you are welcome at another time because we reached the number already. 
  • Whenever is possible bring your own mat,cushion or blanket. 
  • Stay home if you have any symptom, if you have booked already, be kind, send us an email to cancel your spot so that someone else can join. ;-)
I am looking at different places in order to arrange outdoor classes in Skarpnäck or Bagarmossen, if that interests you, write an email and I will keep you update on dates, location and times.

See you next Sunday the 7th!

Meanwhile take care of yourself and others. 

May the sun shines upon your face.

Giulia from Ortensyoga